The Sex Talks We Never Had

The Ted Talk

Thanks to all our supporters, like you, we are so excited to announce that Clint’s Ted Talk is live on YouTube! The talk is about the need to protect our children from abuse and exposure in person and online. Clint is in the process of finishing his parenting book on this topic. The book will cover how to have conversations, when to have them, and what to do if you want to protect your child from exposure and abuse.

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We would like to ask that you please take a moment today or this week to like and share this video on your and your school/churches platforms (Facebook, Instagram, twitter, websites). The more likes and shares, the more other people will see, and be able to access this content and receive healing.

This will go a long way to helping our families and children heal, recover, and protect our children from sexual trauma and abuse as well as helping others.