
The Youth Ministry Network (YMN) will become robust networks of student ministry leaders across Louisiana. YMN consists of an expanding team of youth ministry veterans in our state who serve as a point of contact for a geographic area or association.

There is youth ministry help around every corner in Louisiana. As part of a network you will have the following available to you:
1. NETWORK – Develop relationships and meet with other Youth Leaders.
2. MENTOR – Have the opportunity to meet semi-regularly with one or more Youth Leaders for peer to peer, conversational mentoring.
3. TRAIN – Know about, lead and/or create evangelistic or training events in cooperation with other leaders.  Learn about  your new ministry field from those who have been there for years.
4. EXTEND – Extend your ministry through cross-training with other youth pastors.

To connect with a YMN in your area, please find the point of contact closest to your area in the list below. To be listed as a point of contact for your network, please contact the LBC Youth Ministry office.